Effective January 1, 2016. BPC §6402. our registration requirement has changed. We are no longer required to register in each count where we perform business.
We can now offer business in ANY county throughout California and are only required to register in the county in which our principal place of business is located, and in which we maintain a branch office. "A legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant shall be registered pursuant to this chapter by the county clerk in the county in which their principal place of business is located, and in which they maintain a branch office..." To date, the Department of Consumer Affairs has yet to update our statutory contract to conform with BPC §6402. Current Contract 7. As required by law, I have filed a bond or made a cash deposit and have registered as a legal document assistant in each county where I will perform services on your behalf. Proposed Revision 7. As required by law, I have filed a bond or made a cash deposit and have registered as a legal document assistant in the county where my principal place of business is located, and in any counties in which this business maintains a branch office. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Document/I3356854BB1E74FDB8181ECEA71C00C39?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default) What’s your split? The biggest motivator for going into business for yourself is getting 100% of sales. The flip side is you also take 100% of the risk. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have an attorney by your side along the way?
By investing in a LegalShield Small Business Plan I make calculated business decisions avoiding unnecessary risk. Custom business legal plans starting at $39.00 per month give you access to a huge variety of legal services to help you rest easy knowing you’re protected. Speak to a lawyer as often as you’d like, get contracts & documents reviewed before you sign and much more. Protect and grow your business with a LegalShield Small Business Plan. How best to protect your notary business from vexatious litigants and unscrupulous individuals looking to make a quick buck from our Notary bonds?
What many Notaries do not understand is that the bond only protects the public, not the notary. The bonding agency have to interest in denying claims against our bonds. Afterall, any claims paid out on the notary's behalf can and will be recuperated from the notary. I don’t know about anyone else but I certainly don’t have $25k to burn. This is why Errors and Omissions Insurance (E&O) is SO important. E&O Insurance protects the notary against claims. That said... not all E&O policies are created equal. Read and understanding the arduous clauses written in legalese can be frustrating for anyone. As a benefit of the LegalShield Small Business Plan members can submit insurance policies to an attorneys specializes in insurance law to review before signing! It also helps that LegalShield offers Trial Defense benefits. It would be great if LSS counseled Notaries on how to limit liability where bonds and insurance policies may fall short. Are you struggling to pay your commercial lease? Put your LegalShield Small Business Plan to work for you! Have a lawyer review your commercial lease for a Force Majeure Clause then guide you how to navigate rent negotiations amid the COVID-19 epidemic. Is your landlord unresponsive? Have a lawyer write a letter on your behalf. Benefits include: LEGAL CONSULTATIONS
Enroll for a LegalShield Small Business PlanKeeping track of the relief rollouts amidst the coronavirus (COVID-19) is difficult to say the least. Tracking down the forms needed to apply for relief can be nearly impossible. We've started a webpage dedicated COVID-19 legal resources for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic. As the situation continues to develop, we continue to upload forms and other resources to the COVID-19 Legal Resource page. http://www.saclegalprep.com/covid19.htmlAmid COVID-19 the U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses. Interest rate on the disaster loans is 3.75% for small businesses and 2.75% for private nonprofit organizations. SBA offers loans with long-term repayments in order to keep payments affordable, up to a maximum of 30 years. Applicants may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/ For more information on SBA disaster assistance:
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak we be providing virtual assistance for the safety of our clients and staff. We will remain open during regular business hours and reachable by phone, text, and email.
We will continue to provide essential legal services necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities and limited emergency matters. This includes: • Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Restraining Order • Family Emergency Temporary Restraining Order • Emergency Family Law Ex Partes We'll continue to provide virtual assistance; however, filings will be delayed as a result of the Temporary Court Closures. At the direction of government officials in Sacramento County, our building will comply by operating under reduced hours temporarily beginning this afternoon through at least May 31, 2020. A precise end date has not yet been determined by local government officials. Stay safe and healthy!
Innovate the document digitizing and organization process using Clio with a click of the ScanSnap button. With the ScanSnap-Clio Launcher integration you can scan documents directly into Clio Matters.
The ScanSnap-Clio Launcher integration cuts down time by eliminating steps in the digitizing and document organization process. Instead of having to go through the eight-step process of scanning the document: scanning, coding, searching for the matter, open the matter, selecting documents tab, uploading the document, then categorize it, now it can be done in three easy steps. After adding Clio Launcher to the ScanSnap Application, just scan the document, select the matter and code it directly into the Clio Matter. ¡Voilà! The document is digitized and organized. To add Clio Launcher to ScanSnap Manager Application follow steps laid out in the following article: https://support.clio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037982634 Don't use ScanSnap? Check this out!
Great news! Legal Document Preparers is glad to offer Clio Connect to clients.
Clio Connect allows our clients access to their files in a secure virtual portal where our they can actively participate and monitor their cases. With Clio Connect clients can:
Here's a brief introduction video on Clio Connect. Enjoy!Well... there are a few ways to look at it. You can set your prices based on:
Personally, I do a little of everything. We have lengthy discussions about pricing in chapter meetings. Most LDAs find a niche then specialize in it or stick to one area of practice. Everyone is different. Not all motions are created equally.
Pricing is not set in stone. You can always raise their prices annually. The average fee is $450 for a Request for Order (Motion) and goes up depending on case complexity. You can always run a promotion to test the market too. Test the market then adapt.
Affording clients the option to apply for monthly payment plans is a great way to ensure affordability and access to legal services. Legal Document Preparers is launching Square Installments as a convenient feature for clients who need a little more time to pay and response timely to pending actions.
While Bus & Professions Code § 6400, et seq. goes into great detail about the role and responsibilities of an LDA, what it does not tell you is the business aspect of becoming an LDA. Self-Employment is not for everyone.
In addition to the technical portion of the business, there is also a compliance proration such as federal, state, and local business licensing requirements that your business must comply with. Then there is the financial aspect. Are you ready to prepare financial statements like a Profit & Loss or how about a Balance Sheet? Sure you can contract out the accounting portion, but hiring a professional accountant would increase start up costs and monthly overhead. Don't forget marketing! Building a lead tunnel for which prospective client to follow so when they get to you they are ready to close the deal! Oh, by the way you'll need client management software, and document drafting software for pleadings which may require thousands of initial investment depending on your business needs. What will the day to day operations in your business be like? What will clients experience when they interface with your business, i.e. client flow. Have I scared you off yet? No, good! Then becoming an LDA may be right for you after all. The best place to start is with building your business is with the support of the Small Business Administration. Having a business plan with 3/5/10 years goals is important. This is the framework your business will follow. It's really comes down to the entrepreneurial mindset. Look, I know I can be difficult, but you can do it. To help keep me motivated and on track I surround myself with like minded professionals by network with fellow entrepreneurs and listening to podcasts such as Side Hustle Pro. Payment Processing
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Business Telephone Service
Website Professional Business Address/Virtual Office
Legal Document Assistants (LDAs) are required to include their registration information on any solicitation or advertisement, and on any printed papers or documents prepared or used by the LDA. This includes contracts, letterhead, business cards, correspondence, documents, forms, claims, petitions, checks, receipts, and pleadings. THE LDA STAMP SHOULD INCLUDE:
Effective January 1, 2016, The LDA registration expiration date is only required on on the written contract, as well as on any Internet Web site maintained by the registrant, and in any solicitation, advertisement, document, or correspondence prepared or used by the LDA in electronic form. The idea behind limiting the LDA registration expiration date to electronic forms, aside from reducing the cost of printing, it also eliminates waste. Every two years LDAs had to print new business cards or other pre-printed materials and had to purchase a new LDA Stamp. Removing the registration expiration requirement from printed materials is better business not only for the LDA, but also the environment. HERE IS WHAT THE LAW SAYS: Bus & Professions Code §6408 The registrant’s name, business address, telephone number, registration number, and county of registration shall appear in any solicitation or advertisement, and on any printed papers or documents prepared or used by the registrant, including, but not limited to, contracts, letterhead, business cards, correspondence, documents, forms, claims, petitions, checks, receipts, and pleadings. The registrant’s name, business address, telephone number, registration number, expiration date of the registration, and county of registration shall appear on the written contract required to be provided to a client pursuant to Section 6410, as well as on any Internet Web site maintained by the registrant, and in any solicitation, advertisement, document, or correspondence prepared or used by the registrant in electronic form. |
Author: Angela GrijalvaJust another entrepreneur "tryin' to make a dollar out of fifteen cent," while making a difference. Categories