Prepared Legal Corp.
6/24/2021 The California State Bar Paraprofessional Program Working Group (CPPWG): Why It's Important for LDAsRead NowThe California Paraprofessional Program Working Group (CPPWG) is one of the many working groups established pursuant to the ATILS Taskforce (Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services) recommendations (see Final Report and Recommendations).
One of the more notable mandates the ATILS Taskforce was charged with was the review of, "the prohibitions against unauthorized practice of law (UPL) as well as the impact of those prohibitions on access to legal services." This directly impact our profession as LDAs because their findings were to recommend the consideration of implementation of the new paraprofessional licensing program. It was at this juncture where LDAs should have had a voice in the outcome of these recommendations. Instead of the development of a new non-attorney professional, rather the expansion of our current profession as LDAs. But, that ship has long since sailed. The ATILS Taskforce final report was adopted in March 2020. It is imperative that LDAs are involved in not just the Paraprofessional Working Group, but the other ancillary working groups, subcommittees and taskforces. Here's a link to the California Paraprofessional Program Working Group for more details. Sacramento County LDA Reg. 2020-03, Exp 08/04/2024
Author: Angela GrijalvaJust another entrepreneur "tryin' to make a dollar out of fifteen cent," while making a difference. Categories